Profile PictureNacho Mascort

Unlimited Sheets

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Unlimited Sheets


Welcome to the Unlimited Sheets add-on page on Gumroad!

"Unlimited Sheets" is a Google Spreadsheet add-on that adds 18 custom functions for your day to day needs.

You don't need to worry to copy/paste different Google Spreadsheets for each new functionality that you find out there on the Internet. With Unlimited Sheets you only need to install it once and that's it!

Utilities functions:

  • existsInColumn
  • groupByCell
  • myReplace
  • returnCellInversed
  • returnLastCell
  • unlimitedVlookup (beta)
  • v2lookup

SEO functions

  • getAvgDailyTrafficFromWeek
  • getLocaleBySubdomain
  • getRunRateCurrentMonth
  • getRunRateNextMonth
  • getSearchVolume
  • getStatusCode
  • getUrlsFromSitemap
  • removeHtml
  • scrapeByRegex
  • slugify
  • suggestQueries

Frequently Asked Questions

It's a free plugin?

Yes, add a zero in the price and it's totally free ^^ 

In the future I'll include some premium features (depending on the performance of the Add-on) but the current functions will remain free. 

Can I pay for the Add-on?

Yes, but it's optional. You can support me as a creator so you can decide if you want to pay something or not.

How can I install it?

You need to click on the button of the current page, you'll be redirect to the Add-on page inside Google marketplace and then press install on the button.

How can I execute the Add-on?

After you have install it, go to any Spreadsheet where do you want to use it and go to Add-ons > Unlimited Sheets > Execute. When you click in execute you’ll have all the custom functions that you need.

I need to run this process every time that I want to use it?

No, just the first time that you execute it in that Spreadsheet. If you have execute it previously is not necessary that you repeat the process. It’s only necessary if you want to check the documentation.

How can I see the custom functions documentation?

After you execute the Add-on in your Spreadsheet. Go to Add-ons > Unlimited Sheets > Documentation.

There's a web where to find more information?

Yes. This is the official site:

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Custom functions included

Utilities functions
SEO functions
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